Negative energies and entities are similar to viruses and parasites that exist in our environment, except that they do not have a physical form and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They are made from energy. The aura that surrounds our body acts as a protective shield against negative energies. Trauma, pain, alcohol, drugs, psychedelics, hospitalization, anger, fear, and jealousy weaken our auric shield allowing entities to enter and attach on to us. We can also become infected with one through physical or sexual contact with an infected person.
Once entities attach to a person, they syphon off vital life energy and can cause fatigue, memory issues, and a myriad of physical and psychologic illnesses. It is said that 75% of humans have some form of entity attachment (Fiore, The Unquiet Dead, 1987). In my experience, the number is over 90%. The beneficial effects of entity removal are usually immediate and can be life changing. You can watch the recording of an actual entity removal session by clicking here.
Entity Attachment Checklist
The following test was developed by Dr. Edith Fiore to help you determine whether you have entity attachments. An overall score of 10 or more suggests possession. A score of 2 on items 2, 3, 4, or 11 strongly suggests possession.
Other signs of possible entity attachment include
- Deaths, visitations, recurring deaths in dreams
- Seeing or feeling apparitions
- Physical exhaustion and low energy level
- Character shifts and mood swings
- Uncontrolled anger and not remembering anything after becoming angry or drunk
- Suicidal thoughts
- Violent behavior and short temper
- Compulsive behavior
- Sensing that a departed loved one is with you and influencing you
- Aversion to religious symbols or objects. Strong reactions such as fear, anger, or discomfort when exposed to religious symbols, objects, or practices
- Persistent nightmares
- Engaging in self-harming behaviors, like cutting or burning oneself, without showing signs of pain or distress
- Feeling of overpowering evil
- Attacks in your dreams. Sexual dreams, eating in the dream, seeing death, or having a dead relative visit
- Inability to tame your tongue
- Sexual perversion
- Involvement in the occult
- Feelings of shame or guilt
- Personal or family problems that don’t respond to therapy
Below is a partial list of the entities I remove:
- Earthbound Spirits – Are those invisible and discarnate human souls or soul fragments that have remained on earth following the death of the physical body, rather than ascending to the light/heaven. In order to feel alive and fulfill their earthly desires, they attach to people (or to places) in order to get what they want using the body of the host. Once they attach, they transfer their pains, tendencies, desires, and emotions to the host. The host often doesn’t realize that these feelings, thoughts, and emotions are not his or hers. They can cause the following issues for their host:
- Project their thoughts, emotions, or pains on you.
- Syphon your energy and cause exhaustion.
- Cause you physical pain and dis-ease.
- Hold you back and keep you stuck on purpose and through fear.
- Cause you to have addictions or compulsive behavior or affect your sexual habits.
- Cause relationship problems.
- Cause cross-dressing.
- Entities – Are non-human beings who are lost from the light and attach to you for the purpose of holding you back, stealing your energy, causing you physical or emotional pain, illness, fear, or just because they can. Entities can range from evil/demonic to mischievous, to confused, scared, or controlled. Entities fall under one of the following types:
- Demons or demonic entities, fallen angels.
- Negative ETs such as Reptilians and Grays
- Mischievous spirits and elementals – fallen pixies, fairies, and nature spirits.
- Energetic Parasites – strange looking creatures of all sorts.
- AI – Artificial Intelligence – Are inorganic energies programmed to perform certain nefarious and harmful functions such as controlling you or separating you from your soul. They are difficult to defend against and are increasingly overtaking humanity. They can attach to you in the following ways:
- Through your cell phone.
- Through your devices when watching low-frequency content such as violent or horror movies.
- Through Wi-Fi waves.
- Through electronic equipment used in places like hospitals.
- Can enter the body through nano technology used in vaccines, fast food, and chemtrails.
- Implants – Are physical or energetic devices placed in the body. They can be positive or negative. They may collect information about you and send it to someplace or someone. They could create negative issues, or they could help you in some way.
- Control Devices – Are energetic devices placed around the body, often with the intension of controlling you in some way. They may block energy to your heart, close off your third eye, shut down your throat, or block your crown from receiving higher energies.
- Curses, Voodoo, Spells, Hexes, and Black Magic – Are energies intentionally sent to you by someone that may be affecting you in some way. Examples are curses to create physical pain, prevent pregnancy, prevent success in business, etc. There are black magicians who do this type of service for a fee.
- Ghosts – Are those invisible and discarnate human souls that have remained on earth following the death of the physical body, rather than ascending to the light/heaven because they have strong attachments to a house or property. They can cause a multitude of issues for people who live in haunted houses.
- Soul Retrieval – Fragments of the soul/personality separate as a result of severe trauma such as physical and sexual assault, humiliation, war, torture, accidents, parental abuse, etc. Retrieving soul fragments results in increased well-being, energy, presence, etc. Soul fragments are cleansed, healed, and integrated back into the soul.
- Earthbound Spirits – Are those invisible and discarnate human souls or soul fragments that have remained on earth following the death of the physical body, rather than ascending to the light/heaven. In order to feel alive and fulfill their earthly desires, they attach to people (or to places) in order to get what they want using the body of the host. Once they attach, they transfer their pains, tendencies, desires, and emotions to the host. The host often doesn’t realize that these feelings, thoughts, and emotions are not his or hers. They can cause the following issues for their host:
Once I remove all the attached entities, I perform the following healing on your energetic body:
- Heal all the areas where entities used to reside before being removed.
- Heal and align your chakras.
- Heal and align energy meridians.
- Repair and reseal your aura to prevent invasion by entities.
- Place an additional layer of protection over your aura for further protection against invasion by entities.
- Provide you with a complete set of instructions to sustain the healing after the session.
The procedure is completely painless; you will not even know it is being performed. Attached entities are removed in a very compassionate and humane manner. The entities are gently and lovingly rescued by archangels and sent to the light. There is absolutely no forceful exorcism involved in the process; this is completely unnecessary.
Removing attached entities is performed by Robin Rais. He is a highly experienced hypnosis healing practitioner with a Diploma from UK College of Holistic Training specializing in Spirit Attachment and Release. Robin also holds a certificate in Spirit Releasement from HCH Institute and a master’s degree from Brandeis University in Boston, Massachusetts.
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