According to Dolores Cannon, who was a renowned hypnotherapist and the creator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, anger is the main cause of cancer. Dolores said holding on to hate and anger and not being able to forgive and release it creates cancer. She said in these cases, the only way you can get rid of the cancer is by forgiving and releasing that anger.
Releasing suppressed anger and hate is easier said than done. It can take hundreds or thousands of hours of therapy. However, under deep hypnosis with the right practitioner, this can sometimes be done in a single session – as you will see in this video.
I recently did a session for a client who had cancer for the second time in 10 years. She also had pain in her back and her knees. She had just completed chemotherapy and was going to have surgery to remove her cancer tumors. She decided to have a session with me before her surgery. During the session, I discovered that she had been repeatedly raped by her late father starting at the age of four. During the session, I regressed her back in time to when she was sexually assaulted without feeling any physical discomfort. I then helped her understand why her father did that. Once she understood this, she was able to forgive him.
A few of weeks after the session, she sent me an email saying that she had a medical exam, and her doctor told her that the test result was better, and he decided not to have the surgery on her. She also reported that her back and knees felt good. Another interesting thing that happened during the session was that her late grandmother, whom she loved very much, also showed up and had a nice conversation with her! This was very comforting for her.
Variations of the technique I used with this client can also be used to release many other types of traumas.
I thought this was a very interesting session. I hope you enjoy it.