What is my Life’s Purpose?
This is the first question that every client asks me. While discovering your life’s purpose can be very challenging, it is the cornerstone of happiness. It revolves around the fundamental question of why you exist and what gives your life meaning. Your life’s purpose is the guiding principle or set of principles that give direction and significance to your existence. It goes beyond daily routines and immediate goals, encompassing the broader scope of your aspirations, values, and desires. Your purpose provides a sense of fulfillment, meaning, and motivation as you navigate through life. Your life’s purpose can manifest in various forms, such as pursuing a particular career that aligns with your passions, making a positive impact on others’ lives, fostering meaningful relationships, or even embarking on a personal quest for knowledge or self-improvement.
Most of us do not know our life’s purpose and, as a result, we waste our life pursuing goals which are not aligned with our passion and do not lead to true happiness. There is a part of you that has all the answers you are looking for. We call this your Higher Self. Some call it your subconscious, soul, etc. It is who you are at your very core. Your Higher Self knows you better than you know yourself. Hence, it always gives you the correct answers, the answers which are in your highest and best interest.
During the QHHT session, I induce you into a very deep state of relaxation (hypnosis). Once you are in this beautiful state of relaxation, we can then speak directly with your Higher Self and ask it your questions. Your Higher Self can then answer all your questions, including, “What is my life’s purpose?” and “Am I on the right path?”, or any other questions you have. Understanding your life’s purpose can be a life changing experience that can set your life on a new path; one which is aligned with your deepest values and allows you to manifest your full potential and aspirations in life.

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