Many of you have heard the story of Lucifer and the Fallen Angels. What you probably didn’t know is that Fallen Angels have been attacking humans for a long time and causing tremendous harm. They do this by invading the human body, then attaching to the arteries, and taking control of our mind.
This happened to me recently, and I was able to remove them from my body with help from Archangel Michael.
In this video, Archangel Michael explains who the Fallen Angels are, how they invade our body, how they harm us, and what we can do to protect ourselves against them. I spoke with Archangel Michael through a friend who acted as the medium. I hope you enjoy this video.
For more information about dark force entities and how to remove them, please visit
This video was published with permission from Elizabeth. She can be contact at
I hope you enjoy this video!
For more information about dark force entities and how to remove them, please visit hope you enjoy this video!